
living on an island that has no decent stationery shops within swimming distance can be a challenge. so sometimes you just have to customize your own.

white tissue paper  +  stamp  +  white ink



[part II]

as i write, we should have long disembarked a satellite and descended the 'umbilical cord' to be reborn into the heart of paris.

but apparently we couldn't convince my inner ear to follow. labyrinthitis (K thinks it sounds like another name for the cyprus problem) has grounded our plans.

so, dizzy and just a little disillusioned, i'm reminiscing of when a pair of little feet first discovered the city of light.

[part I]


it's such a primeval instinct, i think, wanting to mark this perfect surface.

i could just see a couple of these somewhere on our empty walls.

[more pebble art here, here, and here]


for those who are celebrating . . .

a warm wish


a flicker of candlelight from the holy sepulchre.

[from K's last trip to jerusalem]


jeune fille rurale: so glad to have finally traced the source of this beautiful image that has been with me for a while. i've never seen pastoral/folk done as artfully as imke klee.
[kate moss jacket // mid-19th century american dress]


another neo-peasant favourite from the vestiaire de jeanne




it's funny to see how many blogs are busy gardening right now.
our tomato seedlings are begging for a hole in the ground.


caught the moon resting on a branch in the garden tonight.



spring cleaning .  .

at snail's pace .               .                .

and with the weightless gait of a man on the moon

and this photograph that i will sadly never take!


swinging idly on a sunday afternoon. wildflower bliss in our friends' garden a few paces down the road.

she loves me // she loves me not? // she loves me. truly. they have been loving each other longer than they can remember.



['earth day fayre', 9 april 2011]


after the rain . . .

or was that a deluge? the winter had been mild and dry but a celestial plumber suddenly forgot a tap on all week. which is fine, only spring is supposed to be happening as well.


spent several quiet hours this week preparing crafts for the 'earth day fayre' at a.'s nursery school. we'll be recycling paper and fabric to make cards and collages.

a tall stack of large buttery bunnies was also baked, mostly late at night so that a. wouldn't be tempted to 'help'. every silly one of them needs a ribbon bow by tomorrow morning and, as i tie each one on, i can use the small eternity to ponder the sort of love that makes us do this to ourselves!

having waited so long for a child, there is a rather surreal feeling about doing any of this at all...

[taking an inspiring leaf out of this blog and this]


clearly, a rather fanciful air was blowing as i was learning to string beads together - although i always envisaged them worn with very plain, masculine clothes to redress a balance.

things have been getting a little grittier since, more reserved and reduced, but some elements will be revisited in different ways. after all, that balance is still in need of redressing.