
even if the trees said spring
paris was cold and wet and grey

but still, we were there.

[a walk in the marais]



we came back to a pool of sadness
a little light has gone out
and we've lost the signposts to the 'normal' everyday.

only today with a. on my lap
on my old swing looking at the sky 
we laughed and for a moment drifted towards joy.


we found our rosa damascena in full bloom
and i'm drying the petals to make tea.
if you'd like to try it just drop me a line
i'd love to send you some.



Κ  Α  Λ  Ο      Π  Α  Σ  Χ  Α  !


there aren't many footsteps left in these
we'll spend the rest on the streets of paris
and hopefully bring back a new pair.


/  sweet peas from a friend's house in the country

// eggs dyed a deep crimson with forest roots



/   pair of white clay paper birds by my white room

//  beeswax church candles found on a park bench

/// marzipan eggs for the hunt from grand-mère

gathering our props for easter .   .    .



unsettled weather and easter baking
in a wood-fired oven on the coast
traditional cheese breads to break the lenten fast
and a.'s tiny buns






the garden in late afternoon shade .   .    .
the wild poppy and her sisters have been following us
from house to house


the last of the broccoli crop
was beautifully cooked 
like this



(orthodox) palm sunday
at a church in the old town



a. had 'a lot of work to do'
in the garden this morning:

a raided lavender bush for two minutes of silence
and a beautiful scent in the entrance.



  silk   |   cotton  |  glass   |  stone   |  silver

little i enjoy more than making while thinking of friends



another recycling afternoon after the park
disguising used-up toilet rolls as yoko and aoki.
in a.'s little hands they become puppets
and help out with the japanese words
in the kokeshi book she's just been given.

(the prototype needs a little fine tuning
but makes a nice change from princesses .  .   . )



looking for a little hour
to disturb the routine

+ make something .  .  .



a few hours
at our friend's ancestral home
behind it the mountain
far below it the sea
we ate oranges in the orchard
and walked carefully on the crumbling floors
gathering clues for its future
