
salt lake (ii)

above all i think we were intrigued by the empty cocoon (image 4)
and who its former dweller might have been.

i'm always fascinated by these transformation chambers
that look like tiny pouches of felted wool.



sanae (sanaeishida.com) said...

Beautiful, beautiful. I love your images of course, but your words are so poetic and always have just the right touch.

olga inoue said...

and lace trims on the third one

i always want to say, but your
words have it all

good day day to you my dear xenia.

Ariane Reichardt said...

'Transformation chambers'... pretty word, dear Xenia, and pretty photos.
On the third pic... is it mimosa?

Its raining here today in Hamburg, Germany. I am cocooning myself in a raincoat.

x Ariane

alessandra said...

intriguing indeed. your words describe all so perfectly. x

Nxxx said...

Wow!! Amazing photos!! No more words... Beautiful... I love looking through your eyes!! I always have, since I was little!!

Anonymous said...

the trees & the branches,
in the 3 first fotos,
are so wonderful!
beautiful place!

Patrice A. said...

beauty in
and words

Patrice A.

Amélie said...

amazing beauty of these grey skies and trees. it's the third time I come here in awe with the delicacy of your shades and shapes

eau de nil said...

so happy you all like this place as much as i do!
and yes, Ariane, it's a mimosa - keep dry : )

paula said...

love the first set of images . . . specially the acacia one *